Thursday, July 22, 2010

First Staff Meeting

We had our first staff meeting of the year after 6th grade dismissal today. Speaking of which, I'm extremely impressed with how the five grades have been handling the fact that they're all working on different schedules. There hasn't been too much loitering in the hallways and even though I'm on the first floor right in between the library and main office, things haven't been very loud at all. Back to the staff meeting. There was cake, cookies, and coffee at the meeting. Need I say more? Very unlike the DOE, I'll leave it at that :)

I've been reading Dr. Green's blog (a friend of the family from back in the Bing! who worked as an admin for over 30 years and has created a blog to share his knowledge) and really liked his breakdown of the New York Times article discussing the Teachers' Union Last Stand:
I agree that Obama's most lasting legacy may be the paradigm shift from entrenched unions to a more dynamic, results-oriented educational community. As an alumnus of TFA, I can't help but smile because educational reform has transitioned from a leftist ideal to a reality in which Tennessee (clearly the most liberal state in the union) earned the highest marks for phase one of Race to the Top.

Lemon, OUT!


  1. Devil's advocate: RTTT is a mess. KABLAM.

  2. Even if it's a mess, the fact that 41 states are altering state law, many of which are attacking two of the most perverse union clauses, guarenteed employment for life and seniority-based compensation (and many also taking it a step further and eliminating last in-first out clauses), then I'd say that's an amazing long-term success, regardless of other results.
